The Benefits Of

Chamber Membership

Join The Chamber

Grow Your Business

We know that being in business is tough and demanding. Doing it alone doesn’t make sense, but there is a great cost to have a team. Let the Marina Chamber of Commerce be part of your team.

Increase Your Exposure

Thanks to our new tourism initiative, our website averages around 650 visitors and 1700 page views per month. Our website visitors come from all over the world including countries like Canada, UK, Philippines, France, Italy, and more. Since implementing our new website content marketing strategy, people searching for things to do, where to stay, and places to shop when visiting the Monterey Bay area, end up on our website.

Take advantage of this exposure and traffic by utilizing our new website options below.


Online Business Directory

Our business directory allows our members to gain additional online exposure exposure.


Events Calendar

One of the benefits of our website is the Community Events Calendar. The goal of our Community Events Calendar is to give our members a platform to share their special events with the community bringing extra traffic to the ir events, their website, and the business directory.


News & Announcements

Do you have some exciting news to share about your business? Do you want to highlight a new employee, change of location, open house, or progress report, or grand opening? You can submit your announcements and it will be shared in our weekly Chamber E-News that blasts to over 400+ interested people.



Many local professionals have started submitting community based articles to get their name out there, and to be a help to the community. For example, local realtor, Steve Hunt submits articles that help local homeowners with common issues such as termites, when to sell, and more.

Local Opportunities

In addition to our new tourism initiatives, the Marina Chamber continues to focus on encouraging residents and businesses to purchase goods and services within Marina city limits, which is good for Marina’s economy and your business! Your association with the Chamber makes a valuable statement about being supportive of local business and Marina’s economic future.

Take advantage of these opportunities below.


The Adventure Guide

Our Adventure Guide includes a directory of all of our chamber members and a map of Marina. We have also included additional resources such as lodging, places to explore, beaches & parks, shopping centers, and more. This guide can be found at participating local hotels, neighboring city tourism centers, the Marina airport, and many local businesses.


Mixers & Networking Events

We work our members to create networking opportunities such as mixers, first Friday cash lunch mob’s, grand openings and ribbon cuttings. We encourage you to attend Chamber events and/or host an event for your business. The Chamber will assist with planning a good date and time and helping get the word out to increase awareness. All members benefit when they attend events and invite their friends!


Discounted Entry Fees

As a member you will receive free and/or discounted rates on entry fees to Marina Chamber events.


Discounted Ads & Promotion

We secure the best possible prices on advertising by providing member rates for local newspapers and websites, event sponsorships, guide listings, GPS pinpoints, and more

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