Marina Business Meet and Greet

Marina Business Meet and Greet

Please join us for a Marina Business Meet and Greet with Candidate for Monterey County District 4 Supervisor Steve McShane Monday October 21 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the offices of First Pacific Financial Services, 3152 Ocean Terrace in Marina. Please R.S.V.P. to...
Rooster Wheels is now Open on Sundays!

Rooster Wheels is now Open on Sundays!

Rooster Wheels, your community-based bike shop is happy to announce they will now be open on Sundays from 9:30-5:00. Rooster Wheels offers bike sales, rent, consign, repair, parts, etc. Come in for a free safety check, make sure your tires are fresh, get break...
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