Blue Zones Project Monterey Walking Moai Teams in Marina

Sep 24, 2021 | News

Marina Chamber of Commerce member, Blue Zones Project Monterey County encourages changes in our community that lead to healthier options and improved lives. When our entire community participates – from our worksites and schools to our restaurants and grocery stores – the small changes contribute to big benefits for all of us: lowered healthcare costs, improved productivity, and ultimately, a higher quality of life.

History of Blue Zones

What began as a New York Times bestseller by National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner has evolved into a global movement that’s inspiring people to live longer, more active lives with lower rates of chronic disease.

From Sardinia, Italy, to Okinawa, Japan, to Loma Linda, California, people are living vibrant, active lives well into their hundreds. Buettner calls these areas Blue Zones and they’re the inspiration behind his book. Buettner’s research, along with a global longevity study, have led to a program that helps us live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

What Are Walking Moai Teams In Marina

Walking is just one of the easiest ways to get moving and improve your health. These days, it’s easy to find excuses not to take a walk, but recent studies show that regular (and even short) walks can help you live longer, feel happier and reduce your risk of many diseases.

Walking Moai teams are groups of 5-8 people who walk together at least once a week for ten weeks. It’s an active timeout with friends, coworkers, neighbors, and others who share similar interests. It’s about moving naturally. Together. Each week, teams will burn more calories, grow closer together, and sneak in more steps as they move toward a healthier, active lifestyle.

Local business owner Haley Swann of Swann Design (& Marina Chamber of Commerce Administrative Assistant) enjoys these walks. Here are some pictures she shared from her recent walk.

In Closing

To learn more about Blue Zones Project Monterey, you can visit their website here. To learn more about upcoming walking (and other) Blue Zone Project Monterey events, you can follow their Eventbrite page here.

We would also like to congratulate Marina Chamber of Commerce Member, Monterey Bay Moves on becoming officially Blue Zones Project™ Approved!

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