There is a new roll out for the members of the Marina Chamber of Commerce featuring historical information of the city and Ford Ord, shopping, dining, education, worship, hospitality and events. Included will be demographic information, emergency contacts for the city and a listing for each chamber member in a directory.

Join the chamber and get noticed


This is the first member directory ever done and is going to be a great way to represent your business in the wonderful growing community that is Marina.


In June this new publication with be distributed to over 450 locations county wide to the 50,000 readers of Foolish Times. It will also be seen through their social media partners and website.


Each Chamber member will have access to copies of this special publication with a digital copy posted on the chamber’s website with hyperlinks to your website.


In addition, copies will be sent to other chambers that have a high rate of visitors to our area. Copies will also be will be sent to Monterey Conversion and Visitors Bureau (MCVB), CSUMB, Monterey County Association of Realty (MCAR) and local visitors centers. The world will see all that is good and inviting in the chambers members.


All Display advertising will be in full color. Complimentary graphic design is available. This is a once a year publication, do not miss this opportunity to show off your business!



Back Cover $1500

Inside Front Cover $1200

Inside Back Cover $1200


Full Page 9.75 x 10 $1000

½ Page .  horizontal:  9.75 x 4.75  –  vertical: 4.75 x 10  –  $700

¼ Page  square :  4.75 x 4.75  –  horizontal: 9.75 x 2.25    –  vertical:  2.25 x 10   –   $400

1/8 Page horizontal:     4.75 x 2.25    –  vertical: 2.25 x 4.75     –    $250

In Column Display $100




Space Reservations Deadline: June 14th

Ad Copy Deadlines: 21st

Please share this Special Section with your friends, coworkers, and family.  It is a wonderful opportunity for others to read about our fabulous community!
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Elizabeth Plante

I’m a freshly immigrated Canadian passionate about both physical activity and the outdoors, and where’s a better place to pursue those interests than alongside the Monterey Bay coastline? My company Monterey Bay Moves was influenced by my own Canadian experience of fitness, and I engineered our services to be close to the community and its surrounding nature. With Monterey Bay Moves it was never just about bringing a workout to those in need — it was also about developing a concept of unique outdoor training programs that would let us make the most of our unique area. I serve on the board of the Marina Chamber of Commerce as Vice-President and on the Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce's Economic Vitality Committee.
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